VOXI For Now

A new plan by VOXI which gives jobseekers unlimited data, minutes, and texts for £10 a month. I helped conceive it, named it, and wrote the guidelines which tell our agencies how to talk to customers about it.

A name, a messaging matrix, and an entire UX journey

VOXI For Now was created to lift the financial pressure felt by VOXI’s core target 16-25 demographic. The Coronavirus pandemic has hit them particularly hard, with lockdowns, furlough, and record youth unemployment. 2020 was a tough year for young people.

VOXI For Now supports them - along with all jobseekers - while they’re out of work. It’s an extremely affordable, flexible, unlimited data plan that lets them focus on what’s important without worrying about their phone bill.

I refined the plan’s finer details alongside VOXI’s senior leadership, and led copy and art direction. I also named the plan and wrote its messaging matrix, which acts as the blueprint for all customer communications.

Tight deadlines meant I wrote it in three days - from refinement of the plan, to ideation, to distribution to our agencies so they could build marketing collateral.

Want to see the full matrix? Reach out and ask for a password. Then, tap the button below.

What’s in a name? A lot, as it happens


“For Now” emphasises that COVID-19 is just that… a black cloud, but one that’ll pass. Much as the plan ends after six months (after which users move onto VOXI’s standard £10 plan), we’ll go back to normal… whenever - or whatever - that is.

“For Now” lets customers focus on more important things. It isn’t charity, or a government grant; that’s why I felt words like “relief payments”, “financial aid”, and “emergency contract” weren’t appropriate.

“For Now” speaks to the present, and the future of the tariff. It lets the plan grow alongside developments in the pandemic. It gives the plan freedom beyond COVID-19. Terms like “aid”, “relief”, and “support” tie it firmly to a period we’d all rather forget.

VOXI For Now, written by yours truly

Striking the right tone was essential. This wasn’t the place for a hard sell, or VOXI’s usually optimistic and confident language. This wasn’t about point-scoring. It was about supporting people when they struggled most. This was a helping hand, not a quick fix that jobseekers will pay for later.

Below you’ll find select pages from the messaging matrix. I’ll happily share the full thing, if you’re interested.

From first contact, to sign up

The gallery below shows the full VOXI For Now journey, from intial homepage banner to sign up. You can expand the images to learn more.

VOXI For Now gained national media coverage across a variety of publications, including Mirror.co.uk, TechRadar, Daily Express, and Uswitch.

More importantly, the plan received overwhelmingly positive feedback on social media and with our existing customers.

… it went so well, we launched it twice

VOXI For Now was held up as an example of what Vodafone should do to help prospective, new, and existing customers across the whole Vodafone Group.

Because of that, it was relaunched in April 2021, with a new closing date of 30 September 2021.


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