Glengracie’s Rebrand

Glengracie Accounting Solutions is a boutique UK-based accountancy firm. I spearheaded a visual and tonal overhaul which marked the beginning of an exciting new chapter for the company.

A whole new brand

Hannah Yates founded Glengracie in 2014 with a single goal in mind — to empower their clients to know their numbers. Glengracie offer reassuring, reliable, responsible accountancy — it’s around these fundamental pillars that I built the company’s new brand positioning.

Want to see the full playbook?

Selected sections

I’ve hidden certain sections in the interest of my client’s privacy. You can access the full portfolio via the button above. You can also see how I applied the new brand positioning to Glengracie’s website.


2022 Rebrand | Rand Farm Park


Keeping the UK Connected | Vodafone